Ongoing Projects

Middle Station in Flims

Valley Station in Flims

Zwischenbächen Haus C

Zwischebächen Haus C in Zürich with butterfly stand portrait occupies an area of 1136 sq.m, has total energy production of the system is 85 kWp, and 66,6 kWp AC. This energy green roof consists of 201 butterfly modules of 425 Wp, total Pmax = 85,425 kW.

Zwischenbächen Haus D

Zwischebächen Haus D in Zürich with vertical stand portrait occupies an area of 1136 sq.m, has total energy production of the system is 60 kWp, and 66,6 kWp AC. This energy green roof consists of 111 vertical bifacial modules of 545 Wp, total Pmax = 60,495 kW.